PetPal launches PH’s first all-in-one pet care super app

In yet another industry-first, 917VenturesPetPal, a front-runner in pet care in Southeast Asia, has unveiled their all-in-one pet care super app. The platform serves as a mobile version of their comprehensive pet care solution. (more…)

Oil price hikes wrecking your budget? Globe Group has services to help you #SaveOnFuel

Just as we are slowly trying to put the COVID-19 pandemic behind us, the Russia-Ukraine conflict came into play and disrupted global markets once again, causing a steep rise in the prices of oil and other commodities. Despite these challenges, we long to move forward and do the things we love.

The Globe Group is, fortunately, a step ahead and is ready with a variety of platforms, solutions, and promos that will continue to enable Filipinos’ everyday experiences while creating utmost value for customers. (more…)

Creating a Globe of Good through 5G: Digital marketplace Alaga Health wins big in Globe 5G Hackathon

5G Globe of Good Award Winner

With healthcare becoming a higher priority for Filipinos amid the ongoing global pandemic, Alaga Health, the winner of the first-ever Globe 5G Hackathon, has developed the first digital health marketplace and health service hub to make access to affordable healthcare available to those who need it. (more…)