Globe continues to improve mobile data consistency score for three straight quarters in 2021

Globe Telecom

Globe maintained its upward streak as it continued to improve its mobile consistency score for three straight quarters this year amid its relentless campaign to deliver first-world connectivity to Filipinos. (more…)

Globe At Home makes internet access more affordable bridge digital divide e-learning

Globe At Home Prepaid WiFi

The global health crisis has exposed the technological gap especially in the education sector as more households still clamor for decent and accessible connectivity to cope with learning from home. In response to this, Globe At Home continues to pursue an aggressive cell site build and network improvement program, while delivering an evolving product portfolio that prioritizes accessibility and convenience for the Filipino family. (more…)

‘City of Smiles’ Bacolod enjoy K-pop good vibes with Globe’s 4G LTE

Kyla Marie Estrera

Similar to many places worldwide, the Korean Pop or K-pop wave has invaded the City of Bacolod. The catchy pop tunes and elaborate videos captured an audience with the Negrenses in the City of Smiles, home of the similarly colorful and vibrant Masskara Festival.

As more and more people consume their media online, K-pop included, a stable and reliable internet connection becomes a must, prompting Globe to double its efforts in Bacolod City and nearby areas to provide residents with the connectivity they deserve. (more…)