Cost of a data breach for businesses in ASEAN & the Philippines hits record high at $3.05M


ASEAN & Philippine organizations with extensive use of security artificial intelligence (AI) and automation cut breach lifecycles by 99 days and reduce data breach cost by nearly $1.25 million. (more…)

ITG Asia : DevSecOps Anywhere

Deploy Your Software Anywhere

Overview of the Event


The primary benefit of hybrid clouds is agility. Hybrid work environment is now the new normal. Some companies have planned for it, some were not able to.

Hybrid cloud refers to mixed computing, storage, and services environment made up of on-premises infrastructure, private cloud services, and a public cloud–such as AliCloud with orchestration among the various platforms. Using a combination of public clouds, on-premises computing, and private clouds in your data center means that you have a hybrid cloud infrastructure.

Going hybrid working means work-related resources will be accessible from anywhere, following the agreed-upon workflow, with several policies enforced. However, it increases risks as areas of attack and vulnerability also increase. With the right tools and best practices, companies can adapt the new normal better, faster, securely.

Whether you’re handling workloads or datasets, in the dynamic digital world, you should plan for things to move around in response to evolving needs. Where applications or data live today might not be the best place for them to live over time. Discover how a platform approach can speed up the adoption of DevSecOps for Digital Transformation Strategy!

Red Hat, GitLab and AliCloud will guide you to building and scaling your cloud infrastructure confidently by developing automation strategy and bridging automation for hybrid cloud deployments.


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