Globe, Curvalux bag WBA award for bridging connectivity gap in hard-to-reach areas

Globe, Curvalux - WiFi Social Impact Award - WBA 2021 Industry Awards

Globe and Curvalux won the Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA) Best Wi-Fi for Social Impact award for helping bring high-speed internet connectivity in hard-to-reach areas, especially in communities where electricity is unreliable or non-existent. (more…)

DOST grants funding to BatStateU for Regional Inclusive Innovation Center (RIIC) implementation

BATANGAS CITY – The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) – Region 4a entered into partnership with the Batangas State University (BatStateU) through a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for the initial implementation of the Regional Inclusive Innovation Center (RIIC) in Calabarzon, on October 7. (more…) brings back instant cash-ins via 7-Eleven, the Philippines’ leading blockchain-backed digital wallet, is re-enabling cash-in transactions through any of 7-Eleven’s 3,000+ branches in the Philippines. This move aims to provide a widely accessible and convenient option for customers who prefer an over-the-counter instant cash-in option that is within their vicinity. (more…)

‘City of Smiles’ Bacolod enjoy K-pop good vibes with Globe’s 4G LTE

Kyla Marie Estrera

Similar to many places worldwide, the Korean Pop or K-pop wave has invaded the City of Bacolod. The catchy pop tunes and elaborate videos captured an audience with the Negrenses in the City of Smiles, home of the similarly colorful and vibrant Masskara Festival.

As more and more people consume their media online, K-pop included, a stable and reliable internet connection becomes a must, prompting Globe to double its efforts in Bacolod City and nearby areas to provide residents with the connectivity they deserve. (more…)